Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"I already did cross country and don't want to do track."

"I already did cross country and don't want to do track." That is a famous quote that many runners say to themselves or to others. By the end of cross country, they're already tired and want nothing to do with running. If you really love running or know that you can have a future in it, then keep going and don't give up. It'll take work and long hours of doing something you don't really have the heart for anymore but you'll see that as you start to improve and win, that heart will come back.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Will you do better in track if you did cross country?

Yes you will definetly do much better in track if you did cross country. A lot of people say no because cross country is long distance and it wouldn't help you out if you're a sprinter. Belive it or not, cross country gave you endurance so whether you're sprinting a 100 or 200, you're time will improve by atleast a few seconds since that would be like nothing to you. Another freebee would be that you'll still be in shape and wouldn't be starting from scratch like some people do. You would have been used to running and taking all the beat downs therefore this will feel easy and will go by in a flash.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Start going to track practice!

Even though it's not the real season yet for track, there is always pre-season conditioning. It's usually for 3 days out of the week ever week. The real track season starts in the third week of January so you have a lot of time to start ahead and improve. If you don't go to school and are planning on trying track somewhere else or if you aren't able to start the pre-season, go ahead and get some workouts offline or go ask the coaches what the workout is so you could be able to do them later if anything.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Which events should you run if you're doing short distance?

If you are a full out sprinter who gets 11-12 seconds or less, do the 100m dash. If your times are 27-29 seconds, do the 200m dash. The 400 is a very competitive race and can be somewhat difficult depending on your competition. A great time would be 57 seconds-1:00 minute flat. (Keep in mind that these are times for a girl. Guys have much lower times.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Which event should you be running if you're going for long distnace?

Remember that for long distance you have the 800, 1 mile, 2 mile, and the 4/8. If your mile time is 5:25 or below, then you would want to do the 1 mile and possibly the 800 since you have a shorter distance to run and you can run it faster than the mile. If you have enough endurance and you've had great 2 mile times during cross country, then go for the 2 mile. Your time for the 2 mile will obviously be faster than it was in cross country since you don't have another mile to do. The 4/8 is a relay race where there are four girls or boys running an 800. You may do this along with the 800 and 1 mile if you wish. You won't get tired either since the 4/8 is the very first race and the 800 and 2 mile are towards the very end.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What are the events in track?

Track has many events. For short distance, there's-100m, 200m, 400m, 300m hurdles, 4/1 relay, 4/2 relay, and 4/4 relay. For mid/long distance there's-800m, 1 mile, 2 mile, 4/8, and 4/1 mile. These are running events that you may want to think about doing. Track isn't all about running. It also has discuss and shotput which is when you throw a weight, there is long jump, pole vault, and high jump. Track is combination of different events that you have the option of choosing what you'd want to do. Be carerful about what you pick. Choose something that you'd be great in and can get somewhere like regionals and states. But most importantly, have FUN!


Monday, November 29, 2010

Track season is getting closer!

Hey guys! As you probably know by now, track season is getting closer and closer. Yes cross country just ended and you want a break from running or doing any sort of activity but don't worry because you still have about a month and a half. Track is exciting, heart racing, and very competitive. It's not all one race and then you're done. There are many different events with each one starting at a different time. Start to atleast think of which events you might want to do and remember to choose the ones that you can actually get somewhere with and that you're very good at whether long distance or short distance.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What happens if you don't make it to regionals?

If you don't make it to regionals, then you have to work harder next season. Districts was a test to see if you have what it takes to compete with the top athletes and if you didn't make it, then you obviously didn't have what it took and must push yourself even more. It's not the end of the world so don't become all depressed. There are some benefits as well such as eating whatever, going out super late, no more stress, and you're open to doing anything since you don't have practice anymore.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What should you expect in districts?

Every school has a different day or place for districts. Because of this, there will probably be at the most 8 schools competing against you. Yes it's not a lot and you may think that this means that it will be a easy race, but you could be totally wrong. Run each race as if it was one of the biggest races that would be brodcasted on tv where everyone could see you and as if it was your last. Expect better times from yourself and to do even better in everything during your run. Think positive and have fun, but don't underestimate the people around you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What should you do once the season is over?

Once the season is over, take a break, relax, and do whatever you want. You don't want the track season to start and you're all burned out and bored of running. While you've been in cross country, you've been working hard, eating healthy, and have been putting a lot of pressure on yourself. During your break, eat whatver and do whatever! That's why it's called a break. You can run every once in a while during your break, but if you want to feel refreshed again, don't.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bi week

A bi week is a week where you don't have any races and all you do is work. Everyone needs to have atleast one bi week in between races. DCS is starting their bi week today since we have districts next Friday. Having this let's us recooperate and get back into rythym.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

90% mental and 10% physical

In a race or even at practice, the majority of your strength and ability to keep on going or push yourself to do better is all in your head. Being physically in shape is important as well, but you have to be mentally fit too. In a race, when you feel like you want to drop out or you just can't go on anymore, that is because you're not mentally prepared. You have to phsyque yourself out and continue telling yourself that you can kepp going and that you will get the person in front of you. When your mind gives up, you give up but when it's strong and knows what it has to do, you will improve and possibly reach one of your goals. The mind is a great thing to have and is something others don't have most of the time, so use it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What's better to wear, short sleeve shirts or a tank top?

A tank top is the best thing to wear when you're going out for a run. It's light, let's your body breathe, and is comfortable. A short sleeve shirt is baggy and can become a bother. It also traps all the heat making it feel hotter than what it really is. If you are having a long run, wear the tank top, if you're doing a short run or a track workout (because it is short), wear a short sleeve shirt.These are the best times to wear these kinds of shirts.

Monday, October 11, 2010

DON'T slack off in your practices!

Slacking off in your practices can really make a huge difference. You might think that you're already good and since you did well in your last race, you'll do the same or even better. That's not the way it works for running. You need to be giving 110% at practice just ensure that you maintain where you are at. It is very easy for you so slow down in a race after a week of slacking off. Have fun in your practices but don't slack off.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What goals should you set for your race?

Goals are important to have because they give you a reason to do better and they push you so you don't fail at that goal. Some goods goals can be to pass a person in front of you, lower your time by a minute, or keep up with someone fast. These goals will help you increase your speed and hopefully lower your time. Always try to set a goal before and keep repeating it over and over in your head so while you're racing, that is all you think about and it'll happen.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Do you get bored while running?

If you happen to become bored during your run, don't start to over think and stress yourself about how much you have left. Try singing a song that you like or had recently heard. The faster the song, the better because it'll pump you up. Another technique that can be useful but weird is solving problems in your head. All you really need to do is think about something that is not related to running and you'll be fine.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Running in the rain is...

Running in the rain is awesome and will be the best workout you'll ever have! Yes there may be puddles and your shoes might get soaked or you might lose your shoe in the mud, but have fun with it. Be serious about the run but at the same time, have fun and enjoy not having the burning hot sun on you the whole time. The rain cools you down a lot and it makes it less boring too. If you're running with your team, then make it a fun and different practice. For example, because it had poured and there were puddles everywhere at DCS, the cross country team decided to run through all the puddles, tackle eachother, and at the end of the workout, they ran straight into a huge puddle! That had to have been the best practice ever! So have fun and don't be so serious in times like these.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are power bars good for you?

Power bars are really good for you! They contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals as well. Sometimes they can taste nasty or they can just taste like nothing at all. Either way they help give you energy and vitamins that are good for you. Just don't have one right before your run because you shouldn't eat anything right before and it won't do you any good.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What should you do if you don't do as well as you had expected to do?

If you don't do as well as you had expected, then you have to train harder. I don't mean to go the next day or even after the race and do a track workout or something difficult. The next day, do a 5-6 mile run at a good pace. Try doing longer distances for practices and while you are doing them, do some surges that will also help you with your speed. Be consistent and don't slack off. Doesn't matter how tired you feel, how many cramps you have, or if you can't feel your legs. You have to push yourself so your body can get used to the feeling and you can help your endurance and speed.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The day of a race you should...

The day of a race you should eat something healthy for breakfast like otmeal or a peanut butter sandwhich. Drink plenty of water throughout the day but don't drink a whole water bottle right before the race because that can give you cramps and that won't hydrate you. For lunch, eat a snadwhich with wheat bread and have a banana. Try not to eat any chocolate or unhealthy snacks throughout the day no matter how hungry you are. If anything, have a protein bar such as a zone bar that is very healthy and has flavor unlike other protein bars that don't taste like anything. Doing all this can help you for your race that day.  

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Use a watch!

Using a watch while you run can be very useful. It allows you to see your mile times, if you need to pick up the pace, and if you are reaching your goal of what time you want to be getting. Don't be looking at the watch every minute because then you'll be focusing more on what time it is instead of how you are running or catching up to the person in front of you to pass them.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The day after a race you should...

The day after a race you should rest and re-energize. If you want, you can do an easy 25 minute run but nothing intense since it's the day after a race. You have to let your body rest because too much of intense exercise day after day can cause an injury. Personally, the best thing you can do would be to not run and just drink a lot of fluids and healthy foods. Then, when Monday comes, you can begin your hard workouts again.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The day before a race...

The day before a race you should do an easy run. Run for atleast 25 minutes at a slow pace. Don't go full out because you have a race the next day and you want to save your energy. Also, eat very healthy and hydrate! From the beginnng you should be eating healthy, but the day before, try to eat pasta with some chicken and a salad. You might not be in the mood to eat that or something healthy, but it will really give you energy and power.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


If you've had an injury for a long time now and you've never gotten it checked out before, go get it checked. It can be extrememly painful to be running with any kind of injury. It's important to get it checked because for all you know, you might have to get surgery and may never be able to run again. Don't look at an injury as an excuse to get out of running, look at it as a lesson to change your running habits--the way you're running, what kind of shoes you're wearing, or where you run (concrete, grass, rocky areas, etc). So don't wait anymore and go get it seen before it's too late.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can doing ab workouts help you?

Yes, ab workouts can help you in your training. By doing abs, you're working out your core muscles which can prevent cramps. You'll also become more fit and you'll see that you can go on longer. In your spare time, if you're not able to run that day or even after your run,  do an ab workout. A good workout would be 30 crunches, 25 sit-ups, 30 bicycle crunches, lift your legs 6 inches off the ground for 30 seconds, and bridges for 45 seconds which is holding yourself up on your elbows. Keep doing these and you will see a difference.

Friday, September 3, 2010

What's better to use in a race, training shoes or spikes?

Running with training shoes in a race is horrible! Never do do that! They weigh a lot compared to spikes because when we train, we get used to carrying all the weight. So in a race, we go much faster with spikes since they weigh a lot less. Spikes also give you a good grip since they're not flat. Always run with spikes in a race and you'll see what a difference they make.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Don't kill yourself while you're training.

While you're training, you're workouts don't always have to be hard. Mondays and Wednesdays can be the hard speed workouts and Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays can be the long but easy runs. You don't want to over work yourself either. Your body can't take all those hard workouts everyday, thats how people get injured sometimes.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Keep hydrated throughout the day!

When you're training to become a better runner, you have to stay hydrated right? Well, that doesn't mean drinkng gatorade before you run or having a few sips of water either. You have to drink WATER throughout the enitre day. I emphasized on water because water is much better to drink during the day than gatorade. Gatorade is something you drink after your run because it replenishes your electrolytes. While your run, you'll feel like you can keep going longer, you won't cramp up, and you won't get tired fast like you usually would if you weren't hydrated.

Friday, August 27, 2010

How can you become faster?

You don't get faster by running longer distances, that just helps increase your endurance. You have to do fartleks and latters.Those will tremendously help you! Fartleks are when you run at a good easy pace and then you stride at a much faster pace for a few minutes. For example, you can ran for 30 minutes and every 4 minutes you go faster for 1 minute. Latters are when you start off at a 400 then you do a 600, 800, 1000, and then all the way back down. These are the best ways to get your speed up and a good way to finish a race as well.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What pace should you run a 5k in?

When you run a 5k or any other long distances, you have to pace yourself well unless you want to die out in the first mile. It's important to think these things through before the last minute. You should run at a good, fast  pace (6:30-7:15 minute mile) the first mile. For your secind mile, you try maintaining that pace and if you can't, you can slow down just a bit. The last mile you have, push yourself to your fullest and try sprinting the the 200. Doing this will help you stay on top and not die out or save too much.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What can or can't you eat when you're trying to get into shape?

Believe it or not, you can practically eat ANYTHING you want! You will always burn off whatever you eat during your run. So don't worry about going on diets and all that junk, and enjoy yourself! (:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Let's Go For A Run

Hey there! This will be about running. I’ll be giving you updates on events and personal advice that you can take about running.