Thursday, October 28, 2010

What should you do once the season is over?

Once the season is over, take a break, relax, and do whatever you want. You don't want the track season to start and you're all burned out and bored of running. While you've been in cross country, you've been working hard, eating healthy, and have been putting a lot of pressure on yourself. During your break, eat whatver and do whatever! That's why it's called a break. You can run every once in a while during your break, but if you want to feel refreshed again, don't.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Bi week

A bi week is a week where you don't have any races and all you do is work. Everyone needs to have atleast one bi week in between races. DCS is starting their bi week today since we have districts next Friday. Having this let's us recooperate and get back into rythym.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

90% mental and 10% physical

In a race or even at practice, the majority of your strength and ability to keep on going or push yourself to do better is all in your head. Being physically in shape is important as well, but you have to be mentally fit too. In a race, when you feel like you want to drop out or you just can't go on anymore, that is because you're not mentally prepared. You have to phsyque yourself out and continue telling yourself that you can kepp going and that you will get the person in front of you. When your mind gives up, you give up but when it's strong and knows what it has to do, you will improve and possibly reach one of your goals. The mind is a great thing to have and is something others don't have most of the time, so use it.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What's better to wear, short sleeve shirts or a tank top?

A tank top is the best thing to wear when you're going out for a run. It's light, let's your body breathe, and is comfortable. A short sleeve shirt is baggy and can become a bother. It also traps all the heat making it feel hotter than what it really is. If you are having a long run, wear the tank top, if you're doing a short run or a track workout (because it is short), wear a short sleeve shirt.These are the best times to wear these kinds of shirts.

Monday, October 11, 2010

DON'T slack off in your practices!

Slacking off in your practices can really make a huge difference. You might think that you're already good and since you did well in your last race, you'll do the same or even better. That's not the way it works for running. You need to be giving 110% at practice just ensure that you maintain where you are at. It is very easy for you so slow down in a race after a week of slacking off. Have fun in your practices but don't slack off.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What goals should you set for your race?

Goals are important to have because they give you a reason to do better and they push you so you don't fail at that goal. Some goods goals can be to pass a person in front of you, lower your time by a minute, or keep up with someone fast. These goals will help you increase your speed and hopefully lower your time. Always try to set a goal before and keep repeating it over and over in your head so while you're racing, that is all you think about and it'll happen.