Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"I already did cross country and don't want to do track."

"I already did cross country and don't want to do track." That is a famous quote that many runners say to themselves or to others. By the end of cross country, they're already tired and want nothing to do with running. If you really love running or know that you can have a future in it, then keep going and don't give up. It'll take work and long hours of doing something you don't really have the heart for anymore but you'll see that as you start to improve and win, that heart will come back.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Will you do better in track if you did cross country?

Yes you will definetly do much better in track if you did cross country. A lot of people say no because cross country is long distance and it wouldn't help you out if you're a sprinter. Belive it or not, cross country gave you endurance so whether you're sprinting a 100 or 200, you're time will improve by atleast a few seconds since that would be like nothing to you. Another freebee would be that you'll still be in shape and wouldn't be starting from scratch like some people do. You would have been used to running and taking all the beat downs therefore this will feel easy and will go by in a flash.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Start going to track practice!

Even though it's not the real season yet for track, there is always pre-season conditioning. It's usually for 3 days out of the week ever week. The real track season starts in the third week of January so you have a lot of time to start ahead and improve. If you don't go to school and are planning on trying track somewhere else or if you aren't able to start the pre-season, go ahead and get some workouts offline or go ask the coaches what the workout is so you could be able to do them later if anything.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Which events should you run if you're doing short distance?

If you are a full out sprinter who gets 11-12 seconds or less, do the 100m dash. If your times are 27-29 seconds, do the 200m dash. The 400 is a very competitive race and can be somewhat difficult depending on your competition. A great time would be 57 seconds-1:00 minute flat. (Keep in mind that these are times for a girl. Guys have much lower times.)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Which event should you be running if you're going for long distnace?

Remember that for long distance you have the 800, 1 mile, 2 mile, and the 4/8. If your mile time is 5:25 or below, then you would want to do the 1 mile and possibly the 800 since you have a shorter distance to run and you can run it faster than the mile. If you have enough endurance and you've had great 2 mile times during cross country, then go for the 2 mile. Your time for the 2 mile will obviously be faster than it was in cross country since you don't have another mile to do. The 4/8 is a relay race where there are four girls or boys running an 800. You may do this along with the 800 and 1 mile if you wish. You won't get tired either since the 4/8 is the very first race and the 800 and 2 mile are towards the very end.